High School

Co-Curricular Activities

Our High School students' interests span beyond the academic curriculum into a wide range of sports, clubs and organizations. Many students participate in several activities beyond their academic coursework.

High School Co-Curricular Activities

List of 8 items.

  • Athletics

    Athletics Director: Teddy Frischling
    In addition to the Physical Education program, the High School offers a diversified interscholastic athletic program for boys and girls. Many of our teams have won league championships and competed for state championships over the past several years, compiling outstanding winning records. Of even greater pride to the School is the degree of student participation on athletic teams. For boys, choices include Varsity Football, Soccer, Basketball, Wrestling, Baseball, Track, Tennis, Golf, Lacrosse, and Squash. Junior Varsity teams include Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Lacrosse, and Tennis. For girls, choices include Varsity Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball, Softball, Tennis, Golf, Lacrosse, Squash, and Track. Junior Varsity teams include Soccer, Volleyball, Lacrosse, Basketball, Softball, and Tennis.
    Dalton Athletics
  • Clubs

    The Student Government also encompasses student-run clubs that have been created to work on a specific task or agenda. Their focus can be on a publication (e.g. the school newspaper The Daltonian or the literary magazine Blue Flag), school-wide social events (e.g. the Performing Arts Club organizes Coffeehouse events, which feature poetry recitations and musical performances, while ISAC helps to bring school spirit to athletic events and plan the Prom), or on more global issues (e.g. the Environment Club, Wildlife Club, and The Dalton Water Project). Each club is headed by up to three students and is advised by at least one High School faculty member. There are also affinity groups such as Women of Color, the Asian Cultures Club, Spectrum, and HOLA (the Hispanic Organization for Latino Awareness), and clubs that support particular interests, such as SciFan, Longboard Club, and Geography Club. New clubs are always encouraged but may only be created through the procedures outlined in the Formation of Clubs section of this handbook.
  • Committee on Student Conduct

    Chair: Chris Hood
    The Committee on Student Conduct (CSC) is the group that represents the community in responding to major school infractions. The CSC consists of six students (two 12th Graders, two 11th Graders, one 10th Grader and one 9th Grader, who are elected by their respective grades) and teachers (elected by the faculty), one of whom serves as the committee’s chair. When a student has been accused of breaking a major school rule, the High School Director, in consultation with the Chair of the CSC, determines if the committee should convene or if the matter should be handled administratively. If the committee meets, it will hear from the accused student and from other parties who might be involved in the case. All meetings of the CSC are strictly confidential and only the chair of the CSC may share information concerning deliberations. After reviewing all the information, the committee decides whether or not a major offense has occurred and, if so, will recommend appropriate sanctions to the High School Director who, in consultation with the Head of School, will decide sanctions to be imposed. In the instance of an administrative decision being made, the Chair of the CSC is informed of administrative actions, whether the case is handled solely by the administration, or if changes are made to the recommendations submitted by the committee.
  • Student Government

    Student Government at Dalton comprises every high school student and faculty member. The full legislature meets to engage in a wide variety of activities. Resolutions that propose changing policy and/or procedural matters are debated; important social issues of the day are discussed, or informative speakers address the assembly about relevant matters in the lives of our community members. All resolutions must be discussed with and approved by the advisor to Government prior to their presentation in the general assembly. These sessions are presided over by the High School President who, along with the Cabinet, orchestrates the operations of Government. Government presents a unique opportunity in the school week to bring the entire school together in a collective endeavor. The enthusiastic participation of each member is encouraged and welcomed.
  • Internships

    Director: Susie Ott
    Along with the director of the program, the Internships Task Force, a sub-committee of the Dalton Council, works to set up internship opportunities for students in science and several other fields, including architecture, art (museums and galleries), publishing, public relations/communications, fashion, media, theater and foundation work. Students looking for internships during the school year or the summer should check the Internship folder in Community Conferences on Forum and/or contact the director of the program.
    See also Internships Program
  • Peer Mentor Program: PALS

    Director: Susie Ott
    Students in 11th and 12th grade (and 10th grade students with permission) work with middle school students as Peer Mentors on a variety of developmentally specific topics and activities. These Peer Mentors will prepare to lead class and small group discussions at Dalton and at select independent and public middle schools on questions that students pose regarding peer relations, bullying, social networking, transitioning to high school and stress management. 
  • Peer Leadership

    Director: Lisa Brizzolara
    Advisors: Lisa Brizzolara, Natalie Sanchez, Blake Pearson
    The Peer Leadership program seeks to broaden and enhance students’ understanding of social justice and equity-related but not limited to race, gender, sexuality and socio‐economic status. The program and its members strive to cultivate a sense of empathy and compassion within the Dalton community and beyond. The Peer Leadership Seminar offers students a thematic lens through which they engage in conversations about issues related to inclusivity and community building. In this program you will conduct research to help answer a question of your choosing that addresses one or more of these issues. This research will inform curriculum development in the second semester. Peer Leaders are trained to be facilitators of small ninth grade discussion groups, to develop the skills required to be an effective leader, and to mentor the ninth graders through the transition to high school.

    The purpose of the Peer Leadership Program is to provide an opportunity for participating ninth and twelfth graders to share experiences and common concerns that emerge during a student's life in high school. Peer Leaders undergo extensive training in preparing for their ninth grade discussion groups; each Peer Group is small and is led by two 12th Grade co-facilitators. Encouraging individuals to think and act for themselves in a manner sensitive to the needs of others is a primary goal of the program. Groups meet on a weekly basis beginning in late September. The Peer Leaders help to ease the transition into the high school and provide invaluable support and guidance for the incoming ninth grade. Membership is required for all ninth graders. Ninth graders are more fully introduced to the Peer Leadership Program (as well as the Peer Leaders) during Ninth Grade Orientation and on the Ninth Grade Retreat at the beginning of the year.
  • Peer Tutoring

    Coordinators: Parul Kalbag
    The Peer Tutoring Program accommodates the desire of many of our seniors and a select group of juniors to be of service to other students in areas of their greatest academic interest and ability. Peer Tutors work in close collaboration with teachers in all the divisions and are asked to work one on one with students, lead group discussions, or intern in a classroom. Peer tutors meet in groups with their advisors to discuss issues about teaching and learning. The program introduces students to aspects of classroom teaching; it reinforces their knowledge of a given discipline; and it promotes a mutual respect for teachers, tutors and students seeking help in a collaborative environment.

    As a vital curricular support, the Peer Tutoring Program requires dedication and a great deal of responsibility. Peer tutors are responsible for keeping in close contact with the teachers whose students they are tutoring. Peer tutors and students coordinate their sessions, but these meetings should occur on a weekly basis. Students must treat these lab sessions as any other scheduled lab at Dalton.

Notable Co-Curricular Programs

(Grades K-3) 53 East 91st Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5463
General: info@dalton.org | Admissions: fpadmissions@dalton.org

(Gr. 4 Dalton East & PE Center) 200 East 87th Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5262
General: info@dalton.org | Admissions: admissionsmshs@dalton.org

(Grade 5-12) 108 East 89th Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5262
General: info@dalton.org | Admissions: admissionsmshs@dalton.org