Students who have developed the appropriate skills and motivation to continue in music become members of the seventh and eighth grade Jazz Ensemble. The music literature that is chosen for performance represents a broad spectrum of periods, styles, and cultures, and is designed to be suitable, challenging, and satisfying for each ensemble.
Middle school performers often join the high school groups for attendance at masterclasses and performances given by visiting professionals. Schedules permitting, some exceptionally advanced instrumentalists may be invited to join the High School Orchestra after consultation and/or audition with the Director.
In addition to the winter assemblies and the annual spring concert, other performance opportunities are pursued to allow the groups to share their achievements. Past venues have included nursing homes, holiday store events, the Interschool Choral Festival for the Chorus; Interschool Instrumental Festival at Alice Tully Hall for various ensembles; and the “Music in The Parks” adjudication for the Jazz and Percussion Ensembles where they recently received Excellent and Superior ratings.