Dear Dalton Community Members,

As we begin the new school year, I hope you’ll find this overview of philanthropic opportunities and events at Dalton to be helpful.

If you already serve as a school volunteer, thank you! Why not also get  involved as a volunteer on a fundraising initiative such as the Annual Fund or Dalton’s Spring Benefit. Many community members find volunteering to be an enjoyable way to build relationships while supporting our school.

We’d love to hear from you with any questions or suggestions. Please feel free to reach out to me or members of our Advancement team (you’ll find their contact information in this brochure).

All my best,

José M. De Jesús
Head of School

About Philanthropy at Dalton

Charitable giving at Dalton provides a critical investment in our students, teachers, staff, programs, and facilities. Community members’ generous gifts keep Dalton on firm financial footing and send a clear message to other donors, including foundations, that our families and alumni support our school. We hope that you, as key members of our community, will make Dalton your philanthropic priority and will also volunteer to help ensure the success of our fundraising Initiatives.

Annual Fund 2023–2024

Each year Dalton relies on the steadfast support of parents, alumni, faculty, staff, parents of alumni, grandparents, and friends for a robust Annual Fund, which runs from July 1, 2023– June 30, 2024. The Annual Fund is the cornerstone of giving, and we ask all community members to prioritize contributing to the Annual Fund while considering additional philanthropic opportunities outlined below.

Your unrestricted, tax-deductible gifts are an immediate, tangible investment in our students’ lives; this allows us to respond to day-to-day needs and pressing priorities (e.g., financial assistance), as a crucial complement to tuition revenue and the endowment. A robust Annual Fund aims for strong participation. Every gift is important, and we hope you’ll support Dalton at whatever charitable giving level is appropriate for your family.

To make your gift, go to or please email Director of the Annual Fund Colleen Grimes or call her at 212-423-5458.

Endowed funds support many priorities in our Strategic Plan. The endowment forms the capital strength of the school by providing long-term stability and flexibility. Gifts to the endowment are permanent assets and give Dalton the power to respond to long-term needs. For more information about our endowed funding opportunities, please email Director of Strategic Engagement Hannah Cobin or call her at 212-423-5316.

Spring Benefit

Join us for fun and camaraderie—while helping to support our School—at our annual Spring Benefit on Thursday evening, April 11, 2024 at Guastavino’s. Please save the date and stay tuned for details! Questions? Please email Director of Special Events Jessica Torres-Rosa or call her at 212-423-5248.

Class of 2024 Senior Class Gift

Each year, Senior Class parents are asked to contribute to both the Annual Fund and the Senior Class Gift. This one-time gift honors Dalton graduates while bestowing a meaningful legacy from the graduating class to the School. The Seniors vote on the allocation of this collective gift. For more information, please email Director of the Annual Fund Colleen Grimes or call her at 212-423-5458.

How Can I Get Involved?

For questions or information about how to participate in any of these charitable giving or volunteer opportunities, please contact Dalton’s Advancement office:

List of 9 members.

  • Hannah Cobin 

    Director of Strategic Engagement
  • Debbie Freeman 

    Associate Director of Alumni Relations
  • Colleen Grimes 

    Director of the Annual Fund
  • Lydia Hogarth 

    Administrative Assistant to the CFO & CAO & Advancement Coordinator
  • Nicholas Lechich 

    Director of Alumni Relations
  • L.J. Mitchell 

    Chief Advancement Officer
  • Beth Softness 

    Director of Advancement Communications and Engagement
  • Jessica Torres-Rosa 

    Director of Special Events
  • Evelyn Williams 

    Database Administrator
(Grades K-3) 53 East 91st Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5463
General: | Admissions:

(Gr. 4 Dalton East & PE Center) 200 East 87th Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5262
General: | Admissions:

(Grade 5-12) 108 East 89th Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5262
General: | Admissions: