Dalton News

Welcome to Digital Dalton - Message from Jim Best - 3/27/20


I'm here to provide the official kickoff to Digital Dalton. Our collaboratively-designed online learning platform debuts early Monday morning. Please login to Dalton's website, click on the link to the Resources page, and you'll find the Digital Dalton button in the top left corner.
If you're eager to get a preview of what's to come, you can click on the appropriate division (links below) to find information about schedules, programming, and resources. Next week, your Division Director will offer more details, more guidance, and more assurance.
What I want to do right now is establish a few expectations. 

First, we're all going to need some time to adjust to this new way of learning. Let's call it a "crawl-walk-run" approach. Instead of charging forward on Monday, we'll ease into Digital Dalton, moving at a sensible pace, refining and adapting as we go. (We've already developed surveys to solicit feedback!) As we all get accustomed to it, we'll attempt to be more ambitious, until finally, a few days down the road, we'll be working at full capacity.    

Second, like so much else about our life right now, Digital Dalton will be an experiment. We'll all have moments of confusion and frustration—and moments when things just don't work the way we want them to. That's OK. Really. Let's go into this with as much patience, as much humor, as much understanding as we can muster. 

Third, Digital Dalton isn't IRL Dalton—but we want it to retain the core elements of a Dalton education, and the core values that bind our community together. One of those values is the transformative power of relationships. In this intensely stressful time, in this new medium, the ways we connect with each other matter more than ever. We'll do everything we can to create an online community where your child feels seen and known, and where you feel nourished and supported. 

I'll stop here, since you've already got a lot to take in. Oh! But I want to make sure to thank the administrators, faculty, and staff who've worked tirelessly throughout Spring Break to bring Digital Dalton to life. And I want to thank you for your partnership with us, and for your presence in our community, wherever we make it.


(Grades K-3) 53 East 91st Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5463
General: info@dalton.org | Admissions: fpadmissions@dalton.org

(Gr. 4 Dalton East & PE Center) 200 East 87th Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5262
General: info@dalton.org | Admissions: admissionsmshs@dalton.org

(Grade 5-12) 108 East 89th Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5262
General: info@dalton.org | Admissions: admissionsmshs@dalton.org