Dalton News

Dalton Girls Deliver an Outstanding Performance in the 6th Annual New York State Girls Championship

Dalton Girls Chess delivered an outstanding performance at the 6th Annual New York State Girls Championship on November 19-20. Showcasing the strength of the Dalton Chess program, the team included 21 girls ranging from Kindergarten to 11th Grade competing against a field of 235 participants.
Overall, they earned top-3 team finishes in each of their sections!
Head Coach and Women International Master (WIM) Beatriz Marinello, Chess Expert Adia Onyango, and FIDE Master Gus Huston ’24 led strategic team meetings before and after each game, as the students showed great focus and determination — while supporting each other throughout the Championship. 
In between games, team members enjoyed sharing snacks, drawing, and playing chess puzzles together. Also, the more experienced Dalton girls boosted their younger team members’ morale by providing baked goods (special thank you to Veda Safranek '24). 
As always, it is incredible to see the Dalton team’s spirit, passion for Chess, and sense of community. Go Tigers!

K-6 Championship section, Third place 
Team members: Hannah Chan '30, Reha Agarwal '30, Rasha Agarwal '30, Katelyn Rothman '31. Hannah 11th overall, Reha 13th overall
K-3 Championship section, First place 
Team members: Carolina Vasilatos '33, Audrey Kotchen '33, MacKenzie Hwee '32, Alexandra Siegfried '33, Cecilia Cooper '33. Carolina 10th overall
K-1 Championship section, Second place 
Team members: Emma Kim '34, Lina Han '34, Wren Chisholm '34, Diane Myers '34, Rayna Gupta '34, Skye Drivin '34, Yifei Jiao '35, Aurora Rodriguez '34, Hannah Jupiter '34, Vera Ermolaeva '34, Claire Webanck '34. Emma 5th overall and Lina 10th overall.
Premier section
Julia Miyasaka 10th overall 

Article submitted by Jason Kim and Zoe SY Kang
Parents of Emma Hajin Kim '34

(Grades K-3) 53 East 91st Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5463
General: info@dalton.org | Admissions: fpadmissions@dalton.org

(Gr. 4 Dalton East & PE Center) 200 East 87th Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5262
General: info@dalton.org | Admissions: admissionsmshs@dalton.org

(Grade 5-12) 108 East 89th Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5262
General: info@dalton.org | Admissions: admissionsmshs@dalton.org