In this course, students design and develop games through hands-on practice. Comprised of a series of "game jams," the course asks students to solve problems and create content, developing the design and technical skills necessary to build their own games. The first month of the course is dedicated to understanding game design through game designer Jesse Schell’s “lenses”: different ways of looking at the same problem and answering questions that provide direction and refinement of a game’s theme and structure. During this time, students also learn how to use Unity, a professional game development tool, and become familiar with the methodologies of constructing a game using such assets as graphics, sounds, and effects, and controlling events and behavior within the game using the C# programming language. Throughout the remainder of the course, students will work in teams to brainstorm and develop new games in response to a theme or challenge. Students will develop their skills in communication, project and time management, and creative problem-solving while focusing on different aspects of asset creation, design, and coding. Prerequisites: Computer Science I: Computational Thinking or its equivalent.
*Cross-listed in Mathematics and Technology
This course is offered through our partnership with Global Online Academy (GOA).
Spring Semester Course, 0.50 credits
Requires Preapproval