The primary goal of the High School dance program is to expose students to dance, both as a physical discipline and as a creative and performing art. Our classes are designed to attract not only dancers, but also athletes wanting to move with greater ease and efficiency, actors desiring more physical expressivity and movement skill, and all those interested in exploring the world of dance. We aim to educate and to inspire, to create dancers as well as dance appreciators, and to support students of all skill levels and interests to discover how dance and movement can enhance their lives. Special guest artists, workshops, and performances drawing upon the rich New York dance scene are integral to our program and enrich students’ experience.
All dance classes can fulfill a PE or an Art requirement. You decide which requirement you want your dance class to fulfill. You may take two dance classes at the same time, one for Art Credit and one for PE credit.
Most dance classes require participation while a student is engaged in afterschool sports, except for Body Conditioning and Zen Dance. In these two courses, as in PE, students are excused from class while they are engaged in their after school athletics, and return to class as soon as that sport is no longer in season. Student managers of team sports are not exempt from class during their particular season, even if they manage for two seasons.
Any student who has been approved to receive credit for participation in athletics or dance that are outside of school must still be enrolled in a Physical Education or Dance class to receive credit.
Exploring Dance Forms, Body Conditioning, and Zen Dance can be taken as Semester 1 or Semester 2 or Full Year courses. The Choreography of Technology is a Semester 2 course only. All other dance courses run Full Year and may not be dropped mid-year except to resolve a scheduling conflict with an academic subject. A student may be exempt from specific requirements only at the discretion of the Dance Department.
The Dance Program is designed to provide a well-rounded background in the technical and creative aspects of dance as an art form. Students who wish to pursue their dance education in greater depth or those who might apply to professional schools or colleges in dance should meet with the Dance Department Chair to discuss recommended courses. The ideal time to make the decision to concentrate in dance is often at the end of the 9th grade year. In this way, by the time a student chooses 10th grade courses, the student will know if they wish to place dance as a priority choice and prepare for participation in Dance Theater Workshop.
Recommended courses for the serious dance student
a. Contemporary Dance and Improvisation 1 year
b. Intermediate Dance Technique 1- 2 years
c. Advanced Dance Technique 1- 2 years
d. Dance Theatre Workshop/Dance Production ‘A’ 1- 2 years